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Bioswale Project Near Pigeon Creek Trail to Commence in July/August 2016

Date: May 4, 2016

Bioswale Project Near Pigeon Creek Trail to Commence in July/August 2016

Post Date:05/04/2016 7:51 PM

In the July/August timeframe, the Port of Everett’s contractor Burton Construction Inc., will begin work on a bioswale bypass ditch project along the east side of the Port's Pigeon Creek Trail. The project includes cleaning out the existing 650 lineal feet of bioswale and installing a bypass ditch for off-site water that will run along the east side of the bioswale. The work is expected to take approximately one month, and the project area will be fenced off for the duration of the project. Access to Pigeon Creek Trail will remain open; however, there may be times that the crew will need to temporarily close the trail. If a temporary closure is necessary, the Port will post a notice on the Port’s event calendar at